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We carry security and trust
We provide a wide range of services, from transit buses that run from the center of Gunma Prefecture to its northern region and express buses to places such as Narita Airport to nation-wide tour buses, as well as taxis, various travel services, gasoline services, and auto repair shops. We want our customers to have access to the convenience of taxis and buses in their daily lives. To that end, we aim to provide the most convenient, safe, and worry-free transportation facilities to meet our customers' needs.

 Important notice
What's New
Sales and use of common bus cards and Oze cards
Efforts to prevent infection with the new coronavirus
Sales and use of common bus cards and Oze cards
Company Info
About Kan-etsu Transportation


Nihon Bus Association
Nihon Bus Association
We support bus services that provide passengers with safe and comfortable transportation.
Gunma Bus Association
Gunma Bus Association
Information on the Gunma Bus Association.
3 Star Safety Rating System
3 Star Safety Rating System
We are certified through the Charter Bus Operators Safety Rating System.
Tobu Group
Tobu Group
Information on the Tobu Group.
Asahi Motor Corporation
Asahi Motor Corporation
Information on the Asahi Motor Corporation.
"Tobu Group Telephone Interpretation Page"

Tax return special feature for 5
This is the National Tax Agency's special page for tax returns for 6.

lost and found
To Guests who Have Lost Items
・All lost items are held at the corresponding management offices for up to one week.

Contact Us
Contact us
・ You can contact us here about any requests you have, such as bus schedules and to share feedback on our services.

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