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Local Bus

Important notice (route bus)

Notice to customers using "Tanaka" and "Kaneko Yotsukado" on the Takasaki Shibukawa Line on Saturday, May 2023, 5
Category: Route bus
We would like to inform you that we have found out that when you paid with a transportation IC card, the fare was charged at a high price due to a problem with the device.
 We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers.

Occurrence date: Saturday, May 2023, 5

Route: Takasaki Shibukawa Line (Shibukawa Station - Takasaki Station)

Target flights:
 Depart Tanaka at 7:54 → Arrive at Takasaki Station at 8:37
 Depart from Kaneko Yotsukaku at 8:03 → Arrive at Nakaizumi at 8:12

If you have any idea, please contact the Shibukawa sales office (0279-24-5115) for a refund.

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